
You also need MetaMask

Use Talaria

Run the Talaria server you just downloaded

Open a browser tab with Metamask installed, type in


To use Talaria, you must be connected to Metamask with an account and have some ether on it to pay for your transactions (messages)

How does it works ?

Talaria consist of two main parts :

- An ethereum smart contract whos job is to store your messages on the blockchain, forever.

- A web client served by a local server, that interact with the smart contract via Metamask. With Metamask, you can connect to a remote ethereum node or a local one.

Why trust Talaria ?

Talaria use the most robust and used Turing complete blockchain to date : Ethereum. All the data is encrypted on the client side and store on the Ethereum blockchain forever.

Keep in mind that the messages you write are available to ANYONE.

But if you use a strong passphrase, no external person can read your messages

There is no ICO, no scammy coin. We take no fees when you use Talaria. You just pay the ETH network.

All the code is open source; you can verifiy everything we say.


Why run a local web server, instead of just connecting to a http server via internet ?

Running server on your computer allow to store/generate data (cryptographic key, contacts, conversation name...) on the client side. It also protect Talaria from a DDOS attack; the only part that can be taken down by an attack is this website.

Why not just use Electron ?

We wanted the flexibility offered by MetaMask (you can choose between a remote node or a local one), and right now, there is no production-ready way to include metamask in an Electron app. Yes, we looked at Muon.

I want to build from source, where do I go ?

Instructions are in the github repository